Hi-Lite Automotive Body Repairs


Address: 80 Beechboro Road South, Bayswater WA, Australia

GPS: -31.90946, 115.913827
Google+ page: https://plus.google.com/106617312674477309003/about
Phone number: +61 8 9272 8265

Customers reviews

Total rating: 0/5, rated 1x
Hi-Lite Automotive Body Repairs
: aggregate rating: 0/3
Pasquale is a felon. He took my car and let his son drive around in it. He stole $500 dollars from me and tried to take my car apart and steal it while i was overseas. Just google his name and it pretty much says it all. He has fired employees without redundancy for having cancer. All around complete nasty piece of work that should not be in business.
overall: 0/3